sábado, maio 08, 2004

Being a host - My afternoon coffee-break-girl-buddies couldn’t have understood that every bit of attention I had left in me after a stressful morning was lodged in my eardrums. Very swiftly, the sound of their voices, the sound coming from the other tables, the cups, the plates, the people standing, it all vanished. I could only listen to the music. “Never Leave You”, Lumidee.

It wasn’t also “Uh-oh” that I was hearing in the refrain. I heard and I saw us with a huge smile, screaming out the name of a Dutch guy with all the air our lungs could store. How did it get started? I can’t remember precisely. A vague idea tells me it all begun in one of the world famous Meta marathons with Nuno, that later became know as the finish-people-night because we managed to put those professors in staring at walls, those standing-still-and-not-having-fun heavy-weights, screaming and jumping all over the place.

Remco is coming to visit us. He sent us a very funny e-mail with his Virgin flight number. He’s not the first one to drop by. But the enthusiasm is as it was the eternal first time. It gets me a bit nostalgic but also very happy.
